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What do we do?

Working abroad

International Job Challenge is a company dedicated to the recruitment and selection within an international level. We look for candidates who want to work abroad. We choose the right offer for each candidate.

This experience will increase your chances of finding work in the labour market of your country.


The benefits

Health personnel in the Netherlands

If your vocation is to help others, you can grow personally and professionally in one of the most developed countries in Europe. You will learn the most advanced techniques and you will know the market and the Dutch society. To do this, you will prepare yourself with a basic Dutch course in your country so that you can enjoy your adventure in the best possible way.

Wide variety of jobs

In International Job Challenge you can find a wide variety of job offers. Thanks to our expansion and training, we can offer an abundant variety of jobs both nationally and internationally. We try to select the ideal candidate for the position that fits the best.

Work with amenities

Together with our clients we manage the whole process of the incorporation into work, we facilitate all administrative procedures, accommodation, health insurance, transport, etc.

Allowing the candidate to work without worries and enjoy their stay in the most comfortable way possible abroad.

International experience

If you live abroad, you will live new experiences and endless adventures. You will have a paid job, you will meet new people and you will explore and familiarize yourself with the culture of the destination country.

In addition, you will learn and improve your languages ​​by being part of a bilingual society.

What do the people say?

Cristian Sánchez Flores
Working in Netherlands has been without doubts one of the most rewarding experiences in my life at both personal and professional levels. Getting a job and at the same time improve my English has offered me a huge number of opportunities back in Spain.
María del Mar Gómez Navarro
I am very happy for being able to meet such a great culture and live there for a while. Working in Netherlands has been a challenge I can’t wait to repeat!.


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Ofertas de Trabajo reciente

El equipo de International Job Challenge se encuentra en la búsqueda de perfiles como operarios/as de producción para la preparación de frutas y verduras para suministrar estos productos a distintas cadenas de supermercados.
inPaíses bajos
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El equipo de International Job Challenge se encuentra en la búsqueda de diferentes operarios/as de logística para diversas compañías pertenecientes a sectores textiles, moda y de uso cotidiano. Buscamos personas motivadas y comprometidas que quieran incorporarse de manera inmediata (10/15 días) y que puedan trabajar en diferentes posiciones dependiendo de la vacante asignada.
inPaíses Bajos
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El equipo de International Job Challenge se encuentra en la búsqueda de perfiles como operarios/as de almacén para trabajar con uno de los clientes logísticos más potentes a nivel mundial, que opera en más de 200 países.
inPaíses Bajos
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